Ship’s Crew

Posted by marshcollection on May 2, 2019 in Slider 1 | Comments Off on Ship’s Crew
Years covered range from 1874 to 1939.
The twelve volumes are available to read on our “online resources” page.
A timeline of various events in and around Amherstburg in the 1950s and 1960s.
These volumes are available to read on our “online resources” page.
Excerpts from a column published in the Amherstburg Echo from 1920-1924 concerning employees of Brunner Mond Limited.
There are two volumes: 1920-1921 and 1922-1924. The first volume is available to read on our “online resources” page.
These books present the column titled “Conversation Pieces”, originally published in 1942 in The Amherstburg Echo as a weekly feature.
There are thirteen volumes, currently available to read on our “online resources” page.
89 pp., softcover, perfect-bound
A collection of local soldiers’ letters from the First World War, as printed in the Amherstburg Echo.
2-volume, softcover, perfect-bound
Vol. I (includes a map package) Vol.2: Out of Print
In 1996, to acknowledge Amherstburg’s Bicentennial, the Marsh Collection Society published 2 large volumes of well documented local history, beginning in 1796 when the town was laid out. Both of those volumes have been out of print for some years now, but are available once again!
106pp., softcover
This book contains a collection of local soldiers’ letters from the Second World War, as originally published in the Amherstburg Echo. The letters describe the experiences of the brave young men who somehow always managed to convey a message of patriotism and hope to the folks back home.
1874-1875 1876-1877 1878-1879 1879-1880
1881 1882-1883 1884-1885 1886-1887
Volume III
1887-1888 1889-1890 1890-1891 1892
1893 1894-1895 1895-1896 1897-1898
1889-1900 1900-1901 1902-1903 1903-1904
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